
Victoria Memorial in front of the highway

Victoria Memorial in front of the highway. Defile the carriage. Soft afternoon light, which in turn can be a part of any of the above on the ground. Of course bargain. It's a great difference between the appearance of the vehicle's prosperity, but does not affect in any way the traveler turns. However, Carriage running on the streets of the city has become less lately. The euphoria does not last longer. Rabindranath Tagore, the euphoria of those days in his jibanasmrtite wrote a long time ago, 'I was born in Calcutta niyechiluma outdated. When the dust is gone syakaragari town charachara, rope strap is made out of horse bones. ''
Kolkata, sir, there is no culture. Much has disappeared with her. The babus Landau from abroad, phitana, brown, baby, byarusa persuaded. Weller, and horses pulled the arbi. Done babus Australia, the Middle East due to the booming horse persuaded. Today in history!
The town was in the middle of the nineteenth century, some aristocratic carriage came home. The Passion of the car became increasingly rich community. Passenger transport started. Jalapanera driver for horses on the road to the municipality, such as the metallic tank vessel had been made. He is still searching for some kind of pattern matching Razabazar areas. The coachman, horse astabala was all over the tallatei. By 1856, went on the carriage. The samkharitolara 'sirako ayanda Sons' brought the car to the passenger.
Before the end of the nineteenth century, the rickshaw and the machine's carriage was our landmark. Ksitindranatha Tagore wrote, 'garoyanera selami complaint to the police as a result of continued focus on safety on the roof of the coach-box, and the car is much more than a specified number of passengers uthaita. Paksiraja a lot of horses carried two cars went Unable to stand in the way. '' Banerjee inhibited children's clothing in a post-turban-kocabakse kocoyanadera basa drew beautiful pictures at all. In all, as a feudal nobility!

The car slowly started to decline traditions. That is sustained, the owner-kocoyanadera the work became a wedding-drama-movie and some income by feeding air to the ground. Selulayede screen or sometimes a few decades ago has opened our smrtimeduratake carriage. For example, Dipendranath Banerjee story Aswamedha horse with a tele-feature TV Kolkata.
The 'Animal and Bird Charitable Trust on behalf of a public interest litigation in the Bombay High Court, the justices AS Oka and it's a vehicle for controlling Menon torture animals declared illegal. Within a year of the local purasabhake asked to stop the car. More than 700 people, with all the cars involved in the rehabilitation of the Maharashtra government has a duty to the court. The circumstances in question, the way it will in Kolkata?
However, the law has long ago in this town on the horse eye rings. The owner of one of the cars coral Mukherjee Kolkata Police in the municipality did not have a license yet. At the end of 01, he became the court. Police said in court, the old car. Such cars pollute the city and traffic argument they put forward. After hearing all of the Calcutta High Court Justice Dipankar Datta said, it's a car that should not be viewed simply go thru. With the heritage of the city of Kolkata has become. Administration can control the car. However, should not be given to the full.
Victoria Memorial in front of the carriage is limited to the city. One of the three men Ruzi carriage cabby Salim Ali. He was surprised to ban the counter-question, 'What do we do then?' 'He said,' 'I have heard people in Mumbai and Karachi, camel riding on the beach. Tourism point of view, if it's here to stay carriage! '
Impassioned gave assent to this comment 'crusade kampesaneta Debasish Chakraborty of Trust. His speech, Mumbai horses 'uncontrolled'. Each horse has all the details of this brief horoscope-kusti Kolkata. Not a horse drawn carriage in the town of unclaimed. These are all horse races or retired army and police. Victoria Memorial with tourists and families to save themselves, they eat the corn is collected. Pasuklesera the context of his statement, '' that requires any horse liniment for blood transfusion. When massaging the cost of the tourist-car will not tanale where he spent the groom or ghoramalika? '

We think, instead of depending solely on faith

We think, instead of depending solely on faith, no arguments by the hand, we can walk the path of knowledge. Nyayaratna as much pride in this work as they have in the all ye, and believe there is no hand. These do not understand it, do not believe that there can not be argued that the penalties survive. I believe the reason so much emphasis baliyai, otherwise he who had come? Why believe in logic, it is an argument that one shown? Do not none. So going to meet us in a flimsy reason to believe, to have blind faith. Which we believe are in agreement with the substance? I firmly believe in the argument according to which sprsyamana? Regardless of our faith, reason, all in all, not a man of faith. A comparison of the pariteche I think. The argument of the steam-engine, the railway and the road. Bisbasuddha engine on the track; All baliteche "well, what is the call out. Then a big car and tow passing freely." There is a rail in the bottom of the page, it is not condoned in person, do not mind. Faith as placing a barrier on the railways, put into the trunk of a tree, you can skip immediately car, two small pebble is kept, immediately ultaiya the car, the man thinks Ponder did not see why the faith rail, there goes the argument cars, that leaves the rail there, he will not leave the streets, I do not think that person do it because it is something else, steam-enjinata choking sound, it has a charioteer His body is huge, much-key call in his rise up, men, recited egoiteche, pichaiteche, his eyes light up, smoke proceeded through the nose, padabhare medini shaky. And, how many days out of the leaves are the rail, is laid, not his address; not more than words, but words are prevention, silently led the way, you can bear. The way he was robbing disruptive constant, stationary, old, bearing. The person does not see, and a dhumanta, phumsanta, burning , moving the matter to be subjected at all.

Prices went up in railway cars, however, and could rise to as in, let's move. Bhabagana literature rail car or riding a thinker. Yasera enjine time going on the road. The price that has, she received the high-grade space, one First class, one second class, third class man. The price that has, to the extent that he may go away. First class tickets Valmiki during which the vehicle with the cause, yet there 's tasks finished his station. Somewhat dim our vision of the ornaments with which to drive as far as I can tell, the term of which Terminus-- not above the station, the moon, the sun, planets, and came to the station stop, en route to the station ticket was purchased. Car Guard reader community, critics. These are not giving enough attention to his work, he knows all. Has always been unfair to passengers in particular. How many of the ideas in the first class to third-class ticket bought up, upside down; All her attention, and salute it, if the reception. One or two others who went to the station, caught her by the hand and pull it out immediately by the guards, he gave up the appropriate vehicle; If some one is looking over how the station is not fusion. So it is only indifference, but gardera than he did stumble. There is talk, there is a lot of fellowship caraiya third class to first class. Is a common sight, do not complain to whom? Who is guilty, who is the judge. How many of the self-contained, timidity, hesitation-ous She bought first-class tickets, the crowd, golemale, thelathelite sasabyasta was up to the third class, much of the attention of the station guard was passed out in class and they got a place. So that these non-settlement of any period shall not rely on that. On all things in the world, very few people have received appropriate content value thereof; Chandler is thakaiyache him, but he thakaiyache shopkeepers. All of this results only asabadhanitara. As trains will be, as the hundreds of third-class passengers ride first class, first class or third-class passengers cadibe, do not see the way to prevent it. But more than that-to my sorrow. Reloyera employees who were traveling without tickets second class. They always have the tickets kalayapana kariyai criticism, he does not buy another ticket. It is true that he himself grew up as a person to think you do, do not yataksane he antitank Tickets cost kinibena, already the fourth-class passengers earn relatively little respect. But this samalocakabarga second-class ticket that offers free-kretadigera equivalent've got respect, and proud that so many phampiya raised, bind sits alone in five passengers, it is against justice altogether. Many asankoce car ride held without tickets, though not everyone saw it, but it has the ticket, no doubt, do not ask. Guards saw his long beard, the hair; First class, coming from a long ride; He was engaged in air did not dare to ask him not to come. Person or a diamond ring, watch chain, an embroidered crown saw dekhila not the ticket. Reloye literature such multiple anomalies occurring at the company; I am coming as well, as do older people Be careful not to discuss the necessity of why the ticket should not without advantage. But I'm working hard on it? Again, though more karakkara is condemned.

Those who miss the train ticket was bought, for them, is a big illusion. They did not come at the right time. How many came because the car was samayamaphika third class, who-what, not how many people bought tickets went up to the car; First-class and lay people how to be come untimely. However, there is a future for them, they come second train will take carite. But many imhadera irritated, angry, and go back to the house, the station does not wait. So many first-class person annoyed cast off their ticket, pocket money has brought the ticket was purchased, and who will count the number of them? Jeffrey that he was a guard on the train, passengers on the train that was Byron, Wordsworth and Shelley to line the train came to the station, but the car going like the wind; They did not miss the train; When the train came, they found the place. Bengal recently that the train going on in our literature, a great person, he has to miss the train. But why are they being hopeless? The train arrived ten minutes to anticipate longer-walking!

The aircraft of exhaustion on his face

The aircraft of exhaustion on his face. Random hair. Hat's head was left in the car. If unable to think, journalists already waiting for her.

Of whom were in the Bangladesh cricket team all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan. The rules are repeatedly broken, and for the conduct of the controversial asaujanyamulaka. CPL play without informing the Board and he threatened not to play for the national team again fought debate.

The Board calls on him to return to London was. On his return, he has denied any direct threat not to play for the national team.

Sakibasekhane he was back at the stadium in London told reporters. Proud Mary in front of them, are excerpts from some of the banlameilera readers.

1pm 4 minute's drive came bisibite Shakib alone. Go directly to the section's operation. Shabbir Khan, one minute from the present sekhake to come out. Hathat somehow became astonished at the BCB officials.

But Mary did not talk with anyone. Shabbir Khan somehow avoided going out at the time. The offender impression in the eyes of Mary. Shakib said at the time, to go where Shabbir brother? Whoa there. Shabbir Khan managed to stand. "

Mary knew that the board stood around him to seven-eight employees. At the time, some words were spoken. Just hearing the words for him. He said the key to the employee board, looked at my car and left the cap. Bring hat.

Oh, do not let the very hairs of time to board. I thought I would stay in the West Indies for three months. Caribbean hair clips I will not do that also. Has come to quit '

And when Shabbir brothers will begin to practice? Shabbir said, "At three o'clock and 3 pm reporting practices." Side of the board from one employee said, laughing, "the practice has forgotten?"

Shakib he replied, "No, the papers right here (bisibite) left a bag so I do not remember. In addition to needing a late first-hand here I am in London. When I start practicing? So go ahead and come out. "

The somewhat sarcastic tone said, "and Shabbir brothers, the board will make me practice?

Shabbir: Why not give?

Shakib: No, I thought I would have to practice, so whether the new cars come with. I watched the car? That, the next new car. It is quite new. From now on, every day a new car will bring bisibite. "

A little pause he said, "Tomorrow the board called me, he had prepared. I call on the board to punish the most expensive cars bisibite be present. "He did not say Shabbir brothers, but I bought the most expensive cars."

Shabbir: come up with?

Shakib: Do not come to call the board. "

Shakib went to the BCB acting chief executive officer (CEO) of the Nizam Uddin Chowdhury Sujan. The necessary time to talk with her some went home.

Avoid the dangers of 'intelligent' cars

Avoid the dangers of 'intelligent' cars
Garirao shiny new motor vehicles in the world today are learning to see, learning to listen. Today those sensors, radar, cameras are fitted. Garirao of digital networking is becoming more and more intelligent.

Forget the many benefits of technology without using the driver and the car can run without danger. Such "blind spots" or invisible corners of the car is a car when the driver warned. Or the steering wheel when the car started to shake about giving his lane and turn immediately to the right was wrong. The system is already there and more reliable. Even if the driver is tired, the car can not understand it. Mercedes-benatsa iyakhena hyarmana company said the sensor to catch the driver's fatigue "stiyara ayangala sensara the driver turns the steering, it can be surmised from his driving style. At the same time many people drive, as well as time to run to the Motorway. When the driver got tired before we would not have warned him. Today, the driver of vehicles that can be associated with the Navigator, how many kilometers are in place to stop. ''
International car exhibition can be seen with your own eyes, the danger occurs at a speed of 50 kilometers to a car, how to brake abruptly. A short distance from the laser and the camera takes another goal. Auto parts supplier Continental Markus Schneider City traffic company is researching the usefulness of the emergency brake system.

Schneider said, 'Hold the emergency brake system is activated before the accident, the driver think that one day, I do not need technology, they turn away from the steering or the brakes will have enough time on my hands. Therefore, such a driver-assistant-way to adjust very carefully, so that it breaks kasabe right away, while the driver avoid accidents, there is no way. '
Fancy expensive models of this new technology comes first, the low-cost models are profiting from it. German automobile club ediesi views, driver-assistant-way accident is really reduced. But in this new digital world can become difficult for the driver to manage all of the details. Hiyerata betina ediesi the test and Technology Division, said, '' driver-assistant's job is to process a moment of crisis to help the driver. So it's important not to distract the driver: the warning light should not be too shimmery; Do not be too early though-nibhale. Forget about the driver of the vehicle will be busy with. ''
Another simple way to distract the driver's smartphone. To avoid the dangers of the Internet-connected car apps are replacing, the app also alerts the driver to listen to the song go again.
Britain's renowned vehicles for customers inside the tribal bentale car company manager has to keep a tablet without the Internet, radio and dashboards with which to change the program. Sitting in front of the driver of the car, the owner or manager Sahib. Kampharta all of the luxury vehicle you can travel a long way.
Everyone else will be in the dreams of a vehicle, which could drive itself. The car and the radar sensors associated with the environment and be able to analyze the vast amount of data. Mercedes benatsa iyakhena hyarmana company said that the situation can be dealt with people, with which he is confronted for the first time. This is done in an intelligent machine, the human being is not possible. ''
The intelligent vehicle of the future to be able to understand the brilliance of the doubt!

Electric cars in the coming days

Electric cars in the coming days
Electric cars are becoming more and more towards the future garicalakara stoop. But it will be absolutely electric cars, not hybrids, to be not yet possible to say for sure.

Electric vehicles do not meet the demand?
"Electric Cars" toys that do not mind. The maximum power of the car battery to the 751 Horse Power! The price of the Mercedes Electra esaelaesa eemaji; Price: Four hundred and twenty thousand euros. So that it will be sold, he said. In the case justify a 'smart' electric vehicle. The value of twenty-five thousand euros, more than the petrol model is run. 014 before the end of the year a total of 16 new models in the German car manufacturers will market electric cars.
Mercedes benatsa company tomasa bhebara committee member, said, '' We are working in full swing to build a strong signal from the Frankfurt show, I think. Starters exuberance, the doubt, the trust again. With all the cars in the future, "ilektromobilitira 'chance to shine.' '
Biemadabliu-lost in the same spirit. Bavaria is the elite motor manufacturers spend lots of money on a whole new series of battery-powered cars are out. Eye-three start with the model. The driver's cabin made entirely of carbon. While it is light, there is the weight of the battery. City of Car-five thousand euros will cost. Customers or the car is kind of like saying, biemadabliu.
Biemadabliu CEO Norbert raitahophara said, '' We are the so-called "Mini-E 'model to test various types of saw: big cities, almost 64 kilometers away on I-III. We thought it was very good indeed. Our vehicle range is one hundred and fifty miles away when it works well. ''
However, the German car maker is not thinking somehow. Audi still not agreed to go to the mere electric cars. Instead, depending on the audi hybrid. If necessary, replace the battery runs on petrol.
Statalara audi's CEO Rupert said: 'This is the best traits of both side have three e-trana model we suspect: in carbon-free vehicles with electric cars run up to 50 km; Yatodura pleased with the kamabasacana drive motor. He has repeatedly providing our customers feedback. Audi who buy the two cars he has a heart. ''

Is amazing to drive shares

Is amazing to drive shares
Ian byoninke politicians are often circling the whole of Berlin. The car was used for. But the car is not his own. With more than forty cars byonim shares.

The 33-year-old Ian byonim shared cars, "said:" I've always had his own car. Occasionally, however, is due to vehicles. Especially when one wants to carry. Bike and make it possible to use rakasyaka. The car is necessary. Now I regularly use car sharing. ''
Easily available
Shares before the car pick-up point at a certain time had come to leave. But now the place of any of these vehicles. By using smartphone apps to remain in the car to be taken out. The test is whether the driver has left everything perfectly. If all is well, and we have no problem to drive the vehicle as needed.

Eco-friendly hybrid car
BMW's new gift
Another German car manufacturer BMW. Last month was the 65th exhibition organized in Frankfurt. One recent addition to the BMW's hybrid vehicle was idraibha eksaphaibha model.

Thus, the shares of byonim to use the car as thirty cents per minute costs. However, car oil, car repairs, or clean or not to think about the cost of parking. Car sharing company keeps an eye on things. After the end of the responsibility of the car park. Byonim said, '' At night I go out for drinking beer, then you can go to bars with his car. The car can go there by train on. The next morning, my car does not go back. I share the car out of the house to go out and do another. ''
You can choose according to their requirements situation byonim car. Car-sharing is increasingly attracting attention. Shares more than doubled over the last three years the number of car users in Germany. More than five million people are now interested in shares of vehicles. Car expert Frank bhaltara think, so instead of going to the importance of individual car owners. He said, 'Our generation has reduced the importance of the owner of the vehicle. But the real opportunity to use their car. ''
The current young generation car-buying money than the cost of traveling or are interested in buying a new smartphone. If kinatei, older, he can think about. So the car companies are now moving towards the system of shares of vehicles than car sales. Thus, they are trying to attract young people to the brand. Instead of going to the groove of the owner of the vehicle.
However, until now only large city car sharing is convenient for residents. Those who drive every day and travel long distances, they are expensive for the car-sharing system. However, the best solution for byonim: simple, easily accessible and affordable.

Kangana ranauta. Because of the many years

Kangana ranauta. Because of the many years he has been the subject of discussion. Eat or kapuradera more than 100 crore has traded without his picture. Even without spices nacaganera. Just standing on the story and the acting. Photo Name 'tanu oyedasa Manu Returns'.

Last year 'Queen' Filmfare and India's National Film Award for Best Actress for the film won the award. There was not any Khan, Kapoor, Kangana was just. How come you know so far it has been hard on him.

So Bollywood "Independent Girl" was being said. Kangana said in a recent interview about the confidence. He said, 'I bought the car at. Did not take gifts from anyone. "

How much money you need in the life of this actress also admitted nothing. "The cost of such a vision, I believe everything is heaving. Much of the money could buy could not buy it at all. There is money my parents because I am more relaxed life. "Nisanera talk with reporters at the opening ceremony of the new car, he said. NDTV and Indian Express reported.

Kangana adding, "Now I have to make the future more secure, and that I do not have to spend money to enjoy the trip. I own as well as others come in handy. "

Please check the car carefully before buying

Well test for:
Please check the car carefully before buying. Take a look at whether there is a problem somewhere in the car. Is there somewhere in broken back. Ask the seller, the car is being sold, whether before etikona ayaksidenta or whether he sees any problem in the car.
To check the car for testing by draibhakare. Windows locked while driving and turn off the radio and CD. The car you know whether any unusual noise.
Ninah learned about the history and safety reports
Before buying the car's history and check the related safety information. Check whether the car or any other person ever was a case that the vehicle was used by the offender. If you do not have this kind of information to the seller, who do not own cars.
Pariksakare with mechanic ninah
He should ask the seller before buying your vehicle inspected by a mechanic would not mind if the children of Ammon. If you do not have a mechanic check all things. If the seller does not object to refrain from buying the build. Most of them dilarai car mechanic and in this regard by providing guarantees for cekinkarara. If you buy from dealers, then take a one-year warranty.
Bidding for:
Saw the vehicle of choice, everything has been tested, safety reports and test drive taken. Now, during the bargaining.
Jump to feel happy with the car at home
Car buying can happily go home after bargaining. The second time, check the vehicle registration card. If you've purchased from the dealer, if any problem in order to choose the vendor of yogayogeratathya you can communicate with him. No doubt about your car, you go to the BRTA thaketahale found.

Note note of what the old-time car buying

Note note of what the old-time car buying
Please enter the vehicle type
First decide what type of vehicle you buy from a seller caichenagari out the details of the vehicle, such as how salerajeman mileage.
Fix your bajetah
Before buying the car behind the car How much money you can spend. You have to calculate the cost of fuel per mile, to what extent and how much of its market value. If you want to put in the car rental business in the car, you see the best payment plan that fits your budget to eat. Before the final decision to the calculation of the cost of buying cars, Interest Rate and gas / oil use.
The current market price of the car janunah
Gene current market darajene car. You can explore some of the auto shop, or if the website can see what information is available. Remember, puranogari cheap, but it's a lot of maintenance costs.
Buy private and public sellers kachathekeh
Dilarai sell a lot of old cars. You can buy them from the old car to match or buy cars parenatabe therekao another are more likely to benefit from the purchase.
Say you want to buy his oparaiguratba
Shop around online or dealer to inquire about the cars simple, but apanidekhabena all the options in front of you, then you can go a little worried. Konataya pay a little more to see if you are going to get the best cars at the same price or better showing in the other model cars. No vehicle will fit in with your lifestyle. He's the kind of car you want to buy that kind of car did not have the opportunity to show in any way the seller bikretake his wish to impose on you. He will lead you to more expensive cars.

Lyambaragini the world's most expensive car

 Lyambaragini the world's most expensive car on the market brought. At an altitude of 221 miles per hour in the car bheneno rodastara that the price of US $ 53 million.
In just three seconds to turn the speed of 100 kilometers bheneno rodastara car. According to a report in the Daily Mail Online, 18 October bheneno lyambaragini unveiled the car.
Italian carmaker lyambaraginira claim, the racing car has been created as a model SUVs running in the streets. The vehicle that is being created for a limited number of customers has lyambaragini. The undercarriage is made of carbon-fiber.
Lyambaraginira claims, bhenenote multiple vents and cooling duct, which ensures the performance of the car ayarodainamika harsapaoyarera 750 V 12 engine is cold. Getting permission to walk the streets of this vehicle. Famous Bull Fighting bull named 'bheneno from the car has been named.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the company 'bheneno "said lyambaragini to bring to market.

Bhenenora before the market was on the list of the most expensive cars mebyaca ayakselero 80 million dollars, 17 million dollars Booger Vernon, 16 million lyambaragini rebhenatana, McLaren Mercedes lakh 70 thousand dollars, 70 thousand dollars, the price of six million enajo wanted.

This is blue car

This is blue car . This car is the most favorite color choices people. 
Satkhira road assasuni madrasa, run over by a pickup carrying disabled pedestrians were killed at the BGB.

The accident occurred on Wednesday at 9am.

Abdul Sattar deceased boss (35). He is the son of Sardar Ali village in Sadar upazila dahakula.

Murshida Khatun, wife of disability, a physical disability, her husband Abdus Sattar. Recently, he began work as an assistant lawyer in the district court judge.

He was on the court in the morning from the cycle by a Judge Sattar. Assasuni-Satkhira highway road at 9am at the madrasa sataksiragami van carrying a Border (Dhaka Metro-nine-16-5038) hit him. Satkhira Sadar Hospital where the injured were taken to the doctors declared him dead.

Following the incident, an angry mob vandalized the accident and the driver of a pickup maripata Rafiqul Islam and handed him over to the police.

Satkhira Sadar Hospital emergency department doctor. Najma said Farhad, pajara down the left side of the chest due to bleeding to death chattarera is suspect.

Sadar police chief Enamul Haque, Satkhira Sadar Hospital morgue for autopsy has chattarera body.