
We think, instead of depending solely on faith

We think, instead of depending solely on faith, no arguments by the hand, we can walk the path of knowledge. Nyayaratna as much pride in this work as they have in the all ye, and believe there is no hand. These do not understand it, do not believe that there can not be argued that the penalties survive. I believe the reason so much emphasis baliyai, otherwise he who had come? Why believe in logic, it is an argument that one shown? Do not none. So going to meet us in a flimsy reason to believe, to have blind faith. Which we believe are in agreement with the substance? I firmly believe in the argument according to which sprsyamana? Regardless of our faith, reason, all in all, not a man of faith. A comparison of the pariteche I think. The argument of the steam-engine, the railway and the road. Bisbasuddha engine on the track; All baliteche "well, what is the call out. Then a big car and tow passing freely." There is a rail in the bottom of the page, it is not condoned in person, do not mind. Faith as placing a barrier on the railways, put into the trunk of a tree, you can skip immediately car, two small pebble is kept, immediately ultaiya the car, the man thinks Ponder did not see why the faith rail, there goes the argument cars, that leaves the rail there, he will not leave the streets, I do not think that person do it because it is something else, steam-enjinata choking sound, it has a charioteer His body is huge, much-key call in his rise up, men, recited egoiteche, pichaiteche, his eyes light up, smoke proceeded through the nose, padabhare medini shaky. And, how many days out of the leaves are the rail, is laid, not his address; not more than words, but words are prevention, silently led the way, you can bear. The way he was robbing disruptive constant, stationary, old, bearing. The person does not see, and a dhumanta, phumsanta, burning , moving the matter to be subjected at all.

Prices went up in railway cars, however, and could rise to as in, let's move. Bhabagana literature rail car or riding a thinker. Yasera enjine time going on the road. The price that has, she received the high-grade space, one First class, one second class, third class man. The price that has, to the extent that he may go away. First class tickets Valmiki during which the vehicle with the cause, yet there 's tasks finished his station. Somewhat dim our vision of the ornaments with which to drive as far as I can tell, the term of which Terminus-- not above the station, the moon, the sun, planets, and came to the station stop, en route to the station ticket was purchased. Car Guard reader community, critics. These are not giving enough attention to his work, he knows all. Has always been unfair to passengers in particular. How many of the ideas in the first class to third-class ticket bought up, upside down; All her attention, and salute it, if the reception. One or two others who went to the station, caught her by the hand and pull it out immediately by the guards, he gave up the appropriate vehicle; If some one is looking over how the station is not fusion. So it is only indifference, but gardera than he did stumble. There is talk, there is a lot of fellowship caraiya third class to first class. Is a common sight, do not complain to whom? Who is guilty, who is the judge. How many of the self-contained, timidity, hesitation-ous She bought first-class tickets, the crowd, golemale, thelathelite sasabyasta was up to the third class, much of the attention of the station guard was passed out in class and they got a place. So that these non-settlement of any period shall not rely on that. On all things in the world, very few people have received appropriate content value thereof; Chandler is thakaiyache him, but he thakaiyache shopkeepers. All of this results only asabadhanitara. As trains will be, as the hundreds of third-class passengers ride first class, first class or third-class passengers cadibe, do not see the way to prevent it. But more than that-to my sorrow. Reloyera employees who were traveling without tickets second class. They always have the tickets kalayapana kariyai criticism, he does not buy another ticket. It is true that he himself grew up as a person to think you do, do not yataksane he antitank Tickets cost kinibena, already the fourth-class passengers earn relatively little respect. But this samalocakabarga second-class ticket that offers free-kretadigera equivalent've got respect, and proud that so many phampiya raised, bind sits alone in five passengers, it is against justice altogether. Many asankoce car ride held without tickets, though not everyone saw it, but it has the ticket, no doubt, do not ask. Guards saw his long beard, the hair; First class, coming from a long ride; He was engaged in air did not dare to ask him not to come. Person or a diamond ring, watch chain, an embroidered crown saw dekhila not the ticket. Reloye literature such multiple anomalies occurring at the company; I am coming as well, as do older people Be careful not to discuss the necessity of why the ticket should not without advantage. But I'm working hard on it? Again, though more karakkara is condemned.

Those who miss the train ticket was bought, for them, is a big illusion. They did not come at the right time. How many came because the car was samayamaphika third class, who-what, not how many people bought tickets went up to the car; First-class and lay people how to be come untimely. However, there is a future for them, they come second train will take carite. But many imhadera irritated, angry, and go back to the house, the station does not wait. So many first-class person annoyed cast off their ticket, pocket money has brought the ticket was purchased, and who will count the number of them? Jeffrey that he was a guard on the train, passengers on the train that was Byron, Wordsworth and Shelley to line the train came to the station, but the car going like the wind; They did not miss the train; When the train came, they found the place. Bengal recently that the train going on in our literature, a great person, he has to miss the train. But why are they being hopeless? The train arrived ten minutes to anticipate longer-walking!

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